Register for our upcoming webinar: Learning Teams - Are You Including Your Contractors in Learning for Safety?, Wednesday, June 28th at 2PM

Construction Industry

We understand that in the construction industry, organisations require a paperless solution for pre-qualifying and onboarding their contractors that is also customisable and tailored to their specific needs. That’s where we come in.

Restriction changes for construction industry

The Victorian Government has announced changes to construction industry settings. The changes will be made to limit the spread of COVID-19 in the industry, allowing people to keep working safely.

Anyone who attends a construction site will need to have a first dose of COVID-19 vaccination by 11:59pm Thursday, 23 September. All construction workforce limits will remain unchanged.

Our platform takes all the hassle out of vaccination management.

Automate pre-qualifying & onboarding contractors

LinkSafe seamlessly automates processes such as onboarding contractors by having them complete the pre-qualification and allowing you to simply examine all relevant information. Once the company is approved, they can then easily induct all of their employees before arriving on-site. You won’t have to do a thing.

A clear differentiator with LinkSafe is that we provide a free contractor portal. As a huge time saver, our portal shifts the workload from you over to your contractors. This enables them to manage their own documents, insurance, worker inductions and on-site registers to clearly see their people have signed into your work sites.

Less headaches with our spot check compliance app

With our spot check compliance app, project or site supervisors can scan contractor’s induction ID cards to ensure they’re compliant, or flag them if they’re non-compliant, on the spot. KPIs can be set and tracked if required to ensure they are being met.

Our QR code sign-in feature on worksites is ideal for contact tracing requirements and flagging message boards contractors are required to acknowledge when on-site. You can then capture their details and send out SMS broadcasts for communicating with all contractors when required.