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Contractor Management Evolving During COVID

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Industry rethinks its COVID work approach

Like everything that is COVID – industry has been forced to rethink its approach to the way it works.

Little if any have not had to endure COVID’s challenges – the way things were done before are no longer the way things are done now.

Contractor Management is a gleaming example of how a sector has needed to evolve to survive a pandemic’s ravishes – a sector heavily reliant on compliance and governance and manpower management.

In this article
No shutdown for essential services
Working remotely

No shutdown for essential services

For industries and facilities that weren’t forced to shut or close down because they were considered an essential service, meant there was still the expectation maintenance operations still had to be met and to do that required facility managers get creative.

Enter technology and the world of working remotely as a solution to a problem that only seven years ago would have been an issue – but not anymore.

Six months is a long time in an evolving world of technology, which means the tech of 2014 would have almost failed to deliver a solution in a 2021 COVID world.

Working remotely

Keeping facilities operational saw facility managers forced to perform their jobs remotely, like most of the working world was asked to, except with one slight difference.

If they weren’t equipped with the right technology and platforms, then their ability to keep facilities operational by using contractors would have been impossible.

This is why Contractor Management System platforms like LinkSafe’s have been instrumental in helping facility managers keep worksites and buildings fully operational. They have allowed contractors to be onboarded remotely, inducted and have their site time and attendance assessed without having to physically present to do it.

COVID has created a great reset and rethink – it has allowed for innovative thought, and organisations like LinkSafe to demonstrate why they lead the market in Contractor Management Systems.